Click here to view our Warrington certifications
Secured By Design Door
Being PAS 24 rated means you can be assured this door has been taken through a rigorous testing process in order to gain certification, and is backed by the police security initiative, Secured By Design (SBD).
Secure Door Security Features
This door features our HOOPLY™ multi-point locking system with 19 locking points with a number of security certified optional extras to further enhance your certified door. These include our TS008 rated Letterplate and TS002 rated Door Viewer.
Versatility for your Property
Highly suitable for a wide range of uses, this door is ideally suited in residential, commercial and industrial settings requiring a high security door which has been certified to meet a minimum security standard of PAS 24:2016.
PLEASE NOTE: Certification is not valid if additional accessories or frame extensions are installed. Only the selected options available with certified doors can be used.
How do I choose the hinge side and opening? (Handing)
Hinge side and opening is determined viewed from outside.
Example 1: LH hinge open out: hinges are on the LH side, handle is on the right and you pull the door towards you.
Example 2: RH hinge open in: hinges are on the RH side, handle is on the left and you push the door away from you.
See our handy illustration here
What is the lead time?
Stock Door (white, no modifications) – in stock – 0 days
Stock Door (white, modified e.g. installed accessories, vision panel e.t.c) – 4 working days
Re-Powder Coated Stock Door, with or without accessories installed (not white) – 10 working days
Fast track options are also available
How many keys come with the door?
Personnel doors come with 3 usable keys
Additional keys are available – we have a key cutting machine on-site
See our cylinder options video here
How much do the steel doors weigh?
Budget doors weigh on average 40kg*
Security doors weigh on average 85kg*
High Security (Ultra) doors weigh on average 100kg*
Double doors weigh on average 110kg*
*size dependant
What are the door sizes? What is the clear opening?
The sizes listed are external frame sizes.
We offer side panels and over panels if you need to add to the width or height of the door. We also offer a cut down service to reduce the height of the door
To calculate the clear opening (when the door is open), subtract 110mm from the width dimension. E.G. 895mm-110mm=760mm clear opening
See the video on how to measure here
What is Security Trim?
The security trim kit fits around the perimeter of the door frame, preventing any packing from being seen externally and making the door as a whole more secure.
It hides un-level or large gaps, hides the position of fixings eliminating the risk of tampering from intruders and crucially protects the fixings from attack.
See the security trim video here
To see all FAQs, click here